Fundación MAPFRE

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Fundación MAPFRE is a non-profit organization created by MAPFRE in 1975, which performs its activity in 27 countries, whose main objective is to contribute to the improvement of people’s quality of life and to the progress of society through multinational programs and activities. It is the insurance company’s majority shareholder, thus helping to ensure the firm’s independence and shareholding stability.

To learn more about Fundación MAPFRE click here.

Fundación MAPFRE 50thAnniversary

At Fundación MAPFRE, we have spent the past 50 years showing that small gestures add up to make a big impact. In 2025, we celebrate half a century of working to improve the lives of those around us. We are proud to have invested more than 1.14 billion euros to support our most vulnerable populations with activities that provide healthcare, education and culture to nearly 180 million people around the world.

We are excited to spend this year celebrating all our achievements and working toward the same goal as alwaysto build a more humane future full of opportunities. Here’s to many more years of making a difference.

Fundación MAPFRE Names three finalists from U.S. in global Social Innovation Awards

e-Health category finalist
Water Lab iThrone, a low-cost portable toilet that requires no water or sewage to dispose of waste and which could be an important health measure for communities that do not have access to this utility.

Silver economy finalist
Better Age, a silver economy finalist, is a digital platform-ecosystem designed to provide senior care organizations with easy access to their health data and streamline help for seniors and their caregivers so that decisions can be made quickly and efficiently.

Sustainable Mobility finalist
CLIP bike, the world’s first plug-and-play device that effortlessly converts any bicycle into an electric bike, without the need for tools or pre-installation, promoting clean travel in big cities. Some 1,500 of these devices are already in circulation in the US and Europe.

Click here for further information on Social Innovation Award Finalists

Fundación MAPFRE Names three finalists from U.S. in global Social Innovation Awards

Fundación MAPFRE names three finalists from U.S. in global Social Innovation Awards. The awards, in its sixth year and launched in partnership with IR University, recognize innovative projects with the potential for strong social impact in three categories: e-Health, sustainable mobility and the silver economy.

From the U.S., the three finalists are:

e-Health category finalist: Dr. Jennifer Arnold with Boston Children’s Hospital – Ready.Sim.Go. The project includes a prototype for a mannequin that can be used to train parents and caregivers of children with complex medical conditions as part of the patient discharge education process.

Silver economy category finalist: Dr. Shea Gregg with FallCall Solutions – FallCall Detect. FallCall Detectis an app built on Apple Watch intended for seniors and caregivers that deploys patented fall detection to determine severity of falls.

Sustainable mobility category finalist: Ryan Frankel with This App Saves Lives (TASL). TASL is a mobile app-based solution addressing dangerous distracted driving behavior.

Building a more Humane Future at Fundación MAPFRE

A lifetime at your side

Today, more than ever, Fundación MAPFRE wants to protect you, support you, work alongside you, and share our knowledge with you. This has always been our mission: accompanying you, improving the lives of those around us, and protecting the most vulnerable.

We are there for everyone who needs us. Close to you. At your side, forever.

The PSA, launched in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, the Executive Office of Health and Human Services and Fundación MAPFRE, challenges the stereotype of a typical “Massachusetts driver” by encouraging people to be “aggressively nice” on the road. Click here to view the video.

We are always with you thinking of you and yours. And now more than ever. For this reason from Fundación MAPFRE we support research, buy medical supplies and collaborate on projects to help the most vulnerable. Together. FM_TogetherApart.

Action Areas

Injury Prevention and Road Safety

To prevent all kinds of unintentional injuries, with particular emphasis on road safety.

Social Action

To contribute towards improving the living conditions of the most disadvantaged people and social groups.

Insurance and Social Protection

To push, promote and spread knowledge about the culture of Insurance and Social Protection


To foster the access citizens have to Culture, the Arts and Literature

Health Promotion

To contribute to improving the quality of life, undertaking actions that contribute to significantly reducing society’s morbidity rates.

Fundación MAPFRE contributes to the well-being of society through the accomplishments of the following objectives: 
• Ensuring the safety of people and their property, with a special focus on road safety, accident prevention and health.
• Improving people’s quality of life.
• Promoting culture, the arts and literature. Researching and disseminating knowledge related to history.
• Raising awareness of the culture of insurance and social protection.
• Improving the economic, social and cultural conditions of the most disadvantaged persons and sectors of society.