Help your teen learn safe driving habits and get an insurance discount, too!

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Help your teen learn safe driving habits  and get an insurance discount, too!

A Smart Choice For Your Teen Drivers

According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), distracted driving is the #1 killer of teens in America. Distracted driving isn’t just texting—it’s talking with passengers in the car, chatting on the phone, taking a sip of coffee, or even catching a glimpse at the GPS.

Help reduce your teen’s chances of being in a car crash and lower your auto insurance costs with the teenSMART® safe driver program.

Provided by ADEPT Driver®, teenSMART® provides an interactive computer-based training experience with in-car exercises to educate your teen about safe driving habits which can help reduce the risk of accidents.

This discount program is only available to Massachusetts customers who became policyholders prior to April 19, 2024.

How teenSMART® Works

A variety of teaching methods are used including computer–based training techniques, driving simulations, video and in-car driving exercises. The three main components are:
  • Computer Time
    Hands-on practice sessions allow your teen to demonstrate driving-related skills, receive immediate feedback and view video segments.
  • Parent-Teen Activities
    Parent-Teen activities allow your teen to apply program learnings to real-world driving situations under your supervision.
  • Certification Test
    The program’s final element, the Certification Test, may be completed at home. Once your teen passes the test, results may be uploaded to ADEPT Driver® and a completion certificate will be emailed.
  • Lower Your Insurance Rates, Too
    Upon completion of the teenSMART® program, you can qualify to save up to 15%** with a teen driver discount added to your teen’s auto policy with MAPFRE Insurance. Plus, completion of the teenSMART® program means that the insurance discount will stay on your teen’s policy until he/she reaches the age of 21 – so the earlier your teen becomes a certified teenSMART® driver, the better the savings!

** Actual savings from teen driver discount will vary by state and may apply to certain coverages only. Discount may not be available in all states and is subject to policy terms and conditions.

  • Program Requirements
    – A driver’s license or permit for your teen driver.
    – A parent (or other responsible adult driver 25 or older) to help complete Parent-Teen Activities.
    – A PC or Mac that meets minimum specifications.*
    – An internet connection.
    – Approximately 8 to 10 hours to complete the program.

*Visit teensmartdriving.com for detailed computer specifications.

Get teenSMART® today

Purchase online at teensmartdriving.com

Downloadable version available

Use priority code: MAPFRETS

Save $50 off the regular price of $119.95

You pay only $69.95 (plus S&H and sales tax)

Help minimize your teen’s risk of being in an accident and increase the savings on your auto insurance – Purchase teenSMART® today!