Blog | Page 44

Harnessing Opportunities from Digital Transformation in the P&C Insurance Industry
By Enrique Laso Sanz, CIO, MAPFRE North America All P&C Insurance carriers, big or small, have digital transformation as a key component in their strategic plans. Beyond the hype, there is good reason for that. However, the approaches companies are following are...

The Next Chapter: 5 Insurance Tips for Recent College Grads
With commencement season in full bloom, college grads – and their parents – are celebrating the conclusion of a great chapter in their lives, even as they anticipate what’s coming next. First full-time jobs, signing their first leases, and maybe even buying their...

6 Insurance Tips to Protecting Your Small Business
May is Small Business Month and it’s an opportunity for all of us to celebrate the people who truly drive the nation’s economy and define our spirit.

Ease on Down the Road: 4 Insurance Tips for Uber & Lyft Drivers
Like anyone behind the wheel, drivers face some exposure if they are not properly insured.

MAPFRE Insurance is a strong advocate of local community involvement
MAPFRE Insurance is a strong advocate of local community involvement.
Do I need to purchase rental insurance when renting a car?
A: Not necessarily. In Massachusetts, your auto insurance policy follows you in the U.S., Canada and U.S. territories when you rent a car, so the extra rental insurance is not necessarily needed. But, here are some situations where you want to think about adding the...