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Wildfire: Protection Tips

Wildfire: Protection Tips

In many parts of the United States wildfires are, unfortunately, a reoccurring certainty. However, predicting where a fire will occur is a challenge. Annually, wildfires cause the destruction of homes, leaving homeowners to ponder what they could have done differently...

When to File an Auto Claim

When to File an Auto Claim

One conundrum many drivers face is knowing when to file an auto claim. This is one of the most perplexing questions, especially since there are financial and time constraints tied to claims submissions First and foremost, filing a claim can be dependent upon...

Home Improvement Tasks to Check Off the List Once and for All

Home Improvement Tasks to Check Off the List Once and for All

 The list sits prominently on your fridge. “TO DO: 7 Home Improvement Projects” We all have a list of things we want to do to make our homes look and work the way we want. After months of procrastination, you’re finally going to tackle the list…woohoo! Then, while...

You got into an accident: 9 tips on what to do and not do

You got into an accident: 9 tips on what to do and not do

 As you pull up to a STOP sign you skid on a piece of black ice. Your car crashes into the car in front of you. Or maybe you don’t see another car coming as you back out of a parking spot at the Mall. That shake and sound of two cars colliding is the last thing you...