Blog | Page 39

5 Things to Avoid Leaving in a Hot Car
If you’re like me, you like to keep a small supply of essentials in your car so you’re prepared for anything that comes your way. When the weather gets hot things can start to overheat and potentially melt. That emergency candy bar in your glove box becomes an...
I am a Volunteer Video

New Massachusetts Distracted Driving Law
With distracted driving a growing problem, Massachusetts has passed a new law banning the use of handheld electronic devices while driving, barring looking at text, videos or images while driving. Drivers may continue to use electronics in “hands-free” mode. The law...

Preventing Wildlife Collisions
October to December are peak months for animal collisions in the United States. Deer are the most commonly hit animal, followed by moose and elk. Approximately 1.9 million animal-vehicle collisions occur each year, with the average damage totaling $3,305. Here are...

Side Hustle Savvy
More and more Americans are renting homes through home sharing apps, taking on gigs like ride sharing or food delivery and flying drones personally or professionally. Are you covered for risks? Find out what you need to know.