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Insurance Tips | Página 15

When to Replace Wiper Blades

When to Replace Wiper Blades

Most people don’t give their windshield wipers a second thought…until they’re caught in a downpour on the highway. Windshield wipers seem simple, but they’re a huge part of your safety on the road and need regular maintenance like any other part of your vehicle. Read...

How to Eliminate Bad Car Odors

How to Eliminate Bad Car Odors

We’ve all been there – it’s a humid, 90 degree day in the middle of August. You gather up your pals or your kids and make a beeline to your favorite ice cream shop for some tasty, frozen relief. You scarf down as much as you can of that mint chocolate chip before it...

What’s a Vehicle Identification Number?

What’s a Vehicle Identification Number?

At some point, no matter who your insurance company is, you’ll need to figure out what your car’s vehicle identification number is. What is a VIN? Your car’s vehicle identification number (VIN) is what is used to track your specific vehicle, whether that’s for a...

How Do I Reduce Car Insurance Costs In My ZIP Code?

How Do I Reduce Car Insurance Costs In My ZIP Code?

Getting your car insurance rate usually starts by entering your zip code with most insurance providers. Ever wonder why? That’s because where you live is the start of most base car insurance rates. If you live in a populated area with lots of roads and traffic, then...

When to Replace Your Brake Pads

When to Replace Your Brake Pads

The only thing more important than making sure your car moves, is making sure your car stops. That’s where well-maintained brakes come in. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported in 2015 that 22% of accidents...

What Is Car Insurance Fraud?

What Is Car Insurance Fraud?

What drives up the cost of your car insurance and costs drivers BILLIONS of dollars almost every single year? If you guessed car insurance fraud…you are correct. So what is car insurance fraud?  What is car insurance fraud?  Car insurance fraud at its most basic level...

What is a Spark Plug?

What is a Spark Plug?

As much as you love your vehicle’s flashy paint and seat warmers, those aren’t the most important parts of it. What really matters is what makes it…well…move. Ever wonder what makes your car’s engine run? (And why sometimes it doesn’t?) One big part of what makes your...

What do I do if I witness a car accident?

What do I do if I witness a car accident?

You’ve probably heard a lot about what to do if you get in a car accident, but do you know what to do if you’re a witness of a major accident? Your next steps can have a huge impact on the outcome of the accident. Learn how you can help if you ever find yourself in...

What Should I Do in a Hit and Run?

What Should I Do in a Hit and Run?

There are a lot of scary things that can happen when it comes to car accidents, such as injuries, fire, or even worse. In these cases, your car insurance and the other driver’s insurance usually have you covered. But what happens when you’re hit and the driver flees...