It’s nice to be able to help out a family member or friend by letting them borrow your car if they need it. However, it pays to know what your insurance policy covers just in case that person gets into a collision in your vehicle. If they aren’t covered, you could be facing some payments you didn’t expect, especially if the driver borrowing your car is at fault. So before you allow anyone to use your car, it’s a good idea to ask: does my car insurance cover other drivers?
What Happens When Another Driver Has an Accident in My Car?
First, it’s important to note that if your car is stolen and involved in an accident, you will likely not be responsible for any of the damage or injuries that might be caused. However, if you lend your car to another driver, there may be some issues you’ll be facing.
In most cases, if your friend drives your car and causes minor damage to your vehicle only, your insurance will likely cover it if you have collision coverage. That’s because most policies cover the car and the driver as long as there’s any reason to believe you consented to allow them to drive it. This would be covered under collision insurance.
Another scenario is if another driver is driving your car and is responsible for a collision that causes a lot of damage, whether it’s to the other vehicles in the accident or if it’s a bodily injury to anyone involved in the crash. In this case, your policy should cover the driver and any passengers in the other car under liability insurance. This will also likely cover damage to the other car in the accident.
If the damage is more than your car insurance policy covers, you may be responsible under certain conditions, or the driver who borrowed your car may have to use their own auto insurance to cover the difference. If the driver in your car is injured, that will need to be covered by personal injury insurance, either yours or their own auto policy coverage.
If your friend is driving your car and doesn’t have a license or auto insurance of their own, you could be facing much larger problems. Anything that isn’t covered by your insurance may become your financial responsibility.
If you ever think there’s a situation when you might loan your car to someone, it’s best to be covered, just in case. The most important question to ask is: will my auto insurance cover other drivers?
The right auto coverage is a necessity, so be sure you explore your options with your Independent Agent and find what coverage levels suit your needs best. If you’re considering MAPFRE for your insurance needs, get a fast, free car insurance quote in Massachusetts today to see how much you can save while getting outstanding coverage!