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Tips for Driving in Construction Work Zones

Tips for Driving in Construction Work Zones

Work zones are vital to maintain and improve our nation's transportation infrastructure. But while essential, work zones can also be hazards to drivers, construction workers, law enforcement, and pedestrians. According to data collected by the National Work Zone...

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The Dangers of Distracted Driving

The Dangers of Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is any activity that diverts attention from operating a vehicle. This can include talking or texting on your phone, eating and drinking, talking to people in your car, adjusting the radio or navigation system, applying makeup, and brushing your...

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About MAPFRE Insurance

At MAPFRE Insurance, we build relationships based on trust. We’re committed to providing high quality products, valuable services and exceptional customer experiences.

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Fundación MAPFRE

With more than 40 years of experience, we are recognized as a leading global foundation for our commitment to people’s well-being and social progress. Our mission, as a non-profit institution of MAPFRE, is to contribute to improving people’s quality of life and the progress of society through multinational programs and activities.

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A Fundación MAPFRE volunteer in the US


We’re focused on attracting, developing, engaging and retaining quality employees to ensure mutual success. Discover the variety of positions and opportunities available at MAPFRE Insurance. Your future starts here! MAPFRE Insurance is proud to be an equal opportunity employer.

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